written 27 May 2024
played a couple of games of league, recently we've gotten a few of the friend group into it and it's actually pretty nice sometimes, i have my ye olden days middle school nostalgia of also being guided through my first few, then ten, then hundred, then many games.
wejust had such a silly and fun game being friendly with the enemies and our team, me on brand mid, the friend on nami support, a random adc'ing them that hard carried, a off meta yi top against our illaoi, a enemy bot duo that was an adc ez also coaching a supp lux on her third ever game in the moba genre. it really was memories of the good times.
league soundtrack is good and their music videos, especially the worlds anthems, have so much lore put into them. (irl comp league lore). ignite is an old but good one. legends never die is a classic. RISE, too.