
I dislike the mortifying ordeal of not being known. And so I write poetry and so I write blog posts :3

These aren't dated but should be ordered most recent towards the top, as I add them.

airport_231014_174555.txt - gave this an update formatting wise. meant to be printed out and folded into a pamphlet.

hollow viscus injury
read like the first narrator in the game Disco Elysium. about having homework, or something.

mystery man, hand, car door hook gun, etc etc.
this is another ars poetica.

The death of the author
I joined a student poetry class at school! More poetry to probably come, then. Here's one I wrote about feelings on the death of the author: sometimes it's bad (but other times it's like the woah! two cakes! meme, and good).

lacerate palms
I seem to only write poetry while in bad states of mind haha. interesting. Here's a poetry dump from what I have in storage that just got around to uploading.

airport_231014_174555.txt - this started out as my notes app todo list as I was packing up to go home from college. Then I started writing poetry skull emoji slkdj

[redacted] - thats not the name of the poem but it's one that I wrote during a mental breakdown kinda sorta lol sooo :p

tollund - me when I am at a grocery store for real for real